- Die hosentaschenfreundlichen Mini-Bilderbücher mit den runden Ecken

I wish you time

Publiziert am 01.05.1989  von Elli Michler

I wish you time
I don't wish you all sorts of gifts.
I just wish you, what most people don't have:
I wish you time to be happy and to laugh
and if you use it well, you can make something out of it.
I wish you time for your doings and thinking,
not only for yourself, but for others too
I wish you time - not to hustle and run,
but time to learn how to be happy.
I wish you time, but not only time to spend away
I wish that some of it may be left for you
as time to marvel and to trust,
instead of just looking at the time on your watch.
I wish you time to reach for the stars,
and time to grow, that means to mature.
I wish you time to hope anew and to love.
There is no sense in putting this time off.
I wish you time to find yourself,
to find happiness in each day and each hour.
I wish you time also to forgive.
I wish you time to live!

Elli Michler

life | works | the poem "i wish you time"
By: Elli Michler, "Dir zugedacht" , Wunschgedichte
© Don Bosco Verlag, Munich,  22nd edition 2014
Translated by SB Traduzioni


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